You will die horribly from the poison of this beautiful snake

Even though all venomous snake bites are dangerous, most take longer than you might think to kill an adult person. That’s because most venoms work by slowing down the body’s vital systems until the person dies.

But the Calliophis bivirgata, or blue coral snake, is different. The venom of these beautiful snakes from Southeast Asia is so strong that it can make all of the victim’s nerves fire at once, causing full-body spasms, paralysis, and a quick, horrible death.

Now, Australian scientists have looked at this weird and unique venom in detail, and the good news is that they think it could lead to better painkillers in the future.

“These snakes are ‘killer’s killers’. They hunt other poisonous snakes, like young king cobras, so they play a game called “hunt the most dangerous.” “University of Queensland team member Bryan Fry said.

The blue coral snake is one of the most eye-catching snakes in the world, thanks to its bright blue stripes and neon red head and tail. It also has the world’s largest venom glands, which are more than a quarter of the length of its body.

Blue coral snakes usually reach a length of about 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) and stay pretty thin throughout their lives. Over the past 100 years, two people have died from the snakes’ poison, and there is no anti-venom for their bites yet. But the good news is that they try to stay away from people as much as possible.

Their venom is so powerful because they like to eat animals that are also deadly, like cobras. If their venom was weaker and worked like other snakes’ venom, they would put themselves at risk of dying at every meal, which isn’t good when all you want is a quick dinner.

So blue coral snakes have developed a type of poison that causes their prey to go into spasms and stop moving right away (think: a giant cramp, but all over your body).

The way they use venom to paralyze their prey is similar to how spiders and scorpions do it. This lets them take charge of the situation, which is important if you spend your days hunting cobras and other poisonous snakes.

“Even though their venom moves very quickly, it doesn’t kill right away. Instead, it irritates all the nerves of their fast-moving prey at once, which are also potential predators. This causes them to freeze almost instantly “Fry said.

Researchers knew that this is how blue coral snakes hunt, but they didn’t know how the venom could be so powerful. So Fry and his crew decided to find out what was going on.

After looking at how the venom was made chemically, the team found a new type of poison called calliotoxin. Calliotoxin works by attacking the sodium channels in the prey. Sodium channels are the pathways that nerves use to turn on and off.

So the snake’s poison turns on and keeps on these channels, causing paralysis by “frying” the nervous system. This is the first time anyone has seen a snake use this method, which is more like the way cone snails or scorpions use their poison.

“Some animals kill their prey by giving it a massive shock to the system,” says Fry. “A cone snail can instantly paralyze a fish and turn it into a stiff death mask by tightening all of its muscles in a spasm similar to tetanus.”

This keeps the fish from getting away from the snail, which can’t move. Now, it has been shown that there is a snake that kills in the same way.

Pharmaceutical researchers have been trying to figure out how sodium channel disruption works for a long time, because they think it could help them find better ways to treat pain in people with long-term illnesses.

So, now that researchers know that blue coral snakes have venom that affects these channels, the team hopes that their findings could lead to better pain medicine in the future.

Fry said, “This venom affects a certain type of sodium channel that is important for treating pain in people.” “This is another useful thing that has been learned from venom that could help people’s health.”

The bad news is that blue coral snakes in the wild are becoming less common. The team says that human development has destroyed up to 80% of the snake’s natural habitat.

Researchers should be able to do something to save these beautiful snakes, because there are still a lot of things we don’t know, like how they could help us learn more about human health.

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